Namaste! I’ve started to try to learn some Nepali. I’m finding it slow going (not surprising, I always find learning languages really difficult). But I’m hoping that getting a few characters and some words under my belt before I go will help me learn more once I’m there.
And one of the essential, but not glamorous aspects of travel is taking care of my health. I’m a big fan of vaccines – I mean, no one likes a Hep B injection, but I have a feeling that Hep B itself is significantly worse! Anyway, no Hep B injection…
When I leave the UK I’ll be taking as little as I can and leaving as little as possible in the UK. So that means sorting out all my stuff. And I’ve started by rearranging some of the drawers in my cupboard and labelling them for things I’m donating, things…
First Post
Every journey starts with a single step – or rather a visa application, passport check, bank account check, much second guessing of one’s decision, vaccinations, travel-related shopping spree, travel-related getting rid of stuff, several goodbye dinners, packing, panicking … and then a single step! Every blog starts with a single…